Although at some point all of us probably began our fishing lives fishing with live worms, there is one way to present a live worm that is much better than all the rest. Many amateurs simply "thread" a live worm onto their hook and call it fishing. My fishing mentor taught me that this wasn't at all the way to present a live worm. He came up with the best method I've ever seen for presenting a live worm. That method is called a "gang hook".
A set of gang hooks is a very simple contraption. It's simply two hooks tied in tandem. And those two hooks are pretty small. I prefer size 10. With two small hooks tied in tandem, once a live worm is "rigged", the hooks are barely visible. The top hook is simply hooked through the head of the worm, and then the second (or trailing) hook is hooked into the body of the worm. Once the live worm is rigged like this, the hooks are all but invisible.
This is a far cry from threading a worm onto a large hook, or hooking multiple worms onto a large hook and creating what is affectionately known as a "worm ball". These outdated ways of fishing with live worms aren't very effective and surely don't present the bait in a way that could be considered natural. If you would like to see how a worm looks "naturally", just toss one into a clear river or lake. What does it look like$%: That's how it should look when you present it while fishing.
My fishing mentor figured this out, and that's why he always tied and used gang hooks for fishing live worms. Because with a set of gang hooks the worm looks amazingly natural. As I said, the hooks can barely be detected at all, which is obviously great for the angler. So how do you get your hands on a set of gang hooks$%:
There are two ways to get your hands on . You can either buy them or tie them yourself. Simple enough. You can buy gang hooks from specialty websites like or you can tie them yourself. With a little research into knots, and the Snell knot in particular, you'll be good to go. Whatever you choose to do the bottom line is that you begin using gang hooks as soon as possible. You'll start catching more fish because you'll be using the best method ever created for presenting a live worm.
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